Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Level

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Level

When considering national and federal organizations that appeal to my professional interests, a few came to mind to explore: HighScope Research Foundation, Zero to Three, and the Center on the Developing Child.  Each organization shares my personal and professional visions and interests in the education of young children.  I listed them in order of relevancy and likelihood of obtaining employment with each organization.  Researching this week once again has broadened my horizons in considering the possibilities of efforts that can be made with each community of practice.  The following explores the three areas of interest regarding philosophy and future employment opportunities.

HighScope Education Research Foundation

The HighScope Educational Research Foundation is an organization that I am extremely familiar with personally and professionally.  They are located within my state and regularly partners with the organization I currently work for: Gretchen’s House, Inc.  All the directors for my organization are certified HighScope trainers and our schools serve as demonstration sites for research and videoing.  I have worked closely with several of their members within the HighScope organization in lesson plan design and curriculum practices.  Additionally, I am certified in assessing quality in infant-toddler programs using the HighScope assessment tool (Program Quality Assessment), which is used state-wide to determine star ratings from childcare programs.  A position of interest that is currently available, Early Childhood Center Manager, would be a professional challenge that I would be willing to take.  The ECC Manager is tasked with overseeing the demonstration preschool site, collaborating with families, and providing trainings and support for staff involved.  This would be a job that I feel I could step right into because of my comfort level and belief in the vision HighScope has for early childhood education.  It would be a challenge to lead a larger group of individuals than I have previously, however it would be a rewarding endeavor.

Zero to Three

            The Zero to Three organization is dedicated to ensuring infants and toddlers have a strong start in life through the support of their families and community resources (Zero to Three, 2019).  I chose this organization because my professional focus and experience has been predominantly with children under the age of three.  Professionally, I have used this organization to guide my own practices and as a resource when taking on challenges in the field.  The professionals that head this organization all have rich backgrounds in early childhood education and advocacy on a national level.  The nonprofit organization employs over 150 individuals, including a position of personal interest: Program Director of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health.  This position entails curriculum development and training focused in infant and toddler mental health.  Personally, the mental health sector of early childhood education has always been of interest and is where my professional passions are fed.  I believe mental health considerations for our youngest and their families has been heavily neglected in the past and requires more attention now and into the future.

The Center on the Developing Child

            The Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University was developed in 2006, with the mission to use innovative scientific research to inform and impact early childhood policy and practice (Center on the Developing Child, 2019).  My final choice in job positions on a national level was based upon my research on their Director, Jack Shonkoff.  He is currently a leading advocate for counteracting early childhood adversities and has produced a great amount of research to support his mission.  Additionally, the Center on the Developing Child is a reputable resource to use whenever advocating for early childhood practices because of their dedicated research-based approach to children and education.  Employment opportunities with the center are predominantly analytic positions tied to researching educational interventions.  This position would challenge my knowledge in research methods and the ability to appropriately analyze and organize data.  This would be the most challenging job currently because of my lack of experience with intense research practices.  However, the opportunity to examine early childhood policy and practices with a scientific lens would be invaluable to my professional career.


            All three organizations offer amazing opportunities to get involved in making a difference in the early childhood field.  I chose each one for different reasons and personal interests.  Each position poses rewards and specific challenges.  Professionally, I would need to decide which challenge is the right fit for myself and personal philosophies and passions for education.  Currently, I believe employment with HighScope would be the best fit with my knowledge and personal connections with the organization.  It would be exciting to branch out to other agencies as well though!  The journey to achieving my master’s degree has opened a window for numerous opportunities and I truly cannot wait to see what happens in the future for myself and my colleagues.


Center on the Developing Child. (2019). Retrieved from

HighScope Educational Research Foundation (2019). Retrieved from

Zero to Three. (2019). Retrieved from


  1. Hi,
    You provided a great blog on early childhood organizations. It would be an honor to be involved with anyone of these. I chose NAEYC as a organization to be a member of. I was asked to be a member when I first started my career in early childhood. Best of luck in becoming more than a member and I know you would be a huge asset to these organizations.

  2. Hi, great organizations! I love Zero to Three. They have done great things for the field and for children and families. You'd be a great addition to the organizations you have choosen. I'd like to learn more about High Scope and the Center on the Developing Child.Thanks for sharing!

  3. Hi Crystal,

    I am familiar with each organization that you selected and they are all noteworthy. However Dr. Shonkoff is a personal favorite of mind, from his research I discovered how the mind of children work, and how important early childhood education is to their growth. This insight into scientific research has turned the world around making the facts of our contribution to a child's future success relevant. Before economics, science, and policy makers gave their consent, our field was held if not in contempt, at the least as not necessary. I would love to investigate, research, and analyze under Dr. Shonkoff . Thank you for doing your research into jobs that I missed.

  4. Crystal,
    You chose three great organizations to be involved with. You sound like you are well rounded in that each organization would peak a different interest or passion of the field. I also like Zero to Three. I have had the pleasure to work with Zero to Three in providing professional development in our EC community. It is an awesome organization. Best of luck on you journey.


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